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Pow Matcha & Adaptogens Blog

  • The Four N's of Adaptogens

    The Four N's of Adaptogens

    Let's dive even deeper into adaptogens this week. Quick refresher: Adaptogens are herbs that help the body adapt to (and defend against) the effects of stress in your body. They help your body get to a state of homeostasis (balance). Ok...so what are...

  • Why I use MCT oil

    For over 10 years I've been exploring routines and diets to help me feel at my best every day.  For years I've used MCT oil as a part of my daily ritual, and I'll tell you why... The spark notes...

  • What to look for in mushroom coffee alternatives

    What to look for in mushroom coffee alternatives

    Whenever something grows in popularity, you can bet that more businesses will spring up to meet demand. You can get everything from mushroom coffees, lion's mane mushroom powders or capsule, adaptogenic drinks, and much more! Obviously, we can't blame them, we're also...

  • The History of Matcha

    The History of Matcha

    Many people rightly associate matcha with Japan, because the process of creating matcha as we know it was perfected and is still extremely popular in Japan. 

    But, the real history of powdered tea starts in China, during the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907). This is the origins of roasting and pulverizing tea leaves, which were then decocted. Decoction is essentially boiling the tea in water so that it dissolves (think: Turkish Coffee).

  • Adapta-whaaaa?! Adaptogen, adaptogenic drinks and much more.

    BlissFunctional is a free newsletter we write here at Pow every 1-2 weeks. Sign up here if you'd like to receive it.  _____________________________________ This is our first BlissFunctional Newsletter. I'm super excited to be writing this, and will try to write about...

  • 6 Ways Matcha & Adaptogen Drinks Can Help Period Symptoms

    6 Ways Matcha & Adaptogen Drinks Can Help Period Symptoms

    Matcha is an incredible tea, but did you know that matcha can actually help improve your period? But, Matcha isn't the only super star. In, Wonder Matcha we utilize adaptogens which are also known to improve your period symptoms and leave you...