5 Reasons To Drink Matcha
(With Mushrooms 🍄)
Hint: Your body and mind will thank you.
Hint: Your body and mind will thank you.
Matcha has become extremely popular because of it's incredible health benefits, the long-lasting energy, and taste.
But there is something even better: we call that Wonder Matcha.
This blend has been blowing up due to its powerful combination of organic ingredients, all of which work together to benefit your mind and body.
Here's a little preview of the benefits:
⚡️Improves energy and cognitive function
🧘🏼♀️ Helps with stress management
❤️ Boosts the immune system
😎 Reduces inflammation
👅 Aids digestive health
Read on to see how Wonder Matcha helps with each of these.
One of the key benefits of this adaptogenic mushroom matcha is its ability to boost cognitive functioning.
The combination of these ingredients is a powerhouse of benefits for your brain.
Another key benefit of this mushroom matcha -- Wonder Matcha -- is its ability to help with stress relief.
The adaptogen Ashwagandha helps your body get to a state called homeostasis, or balance. Because it is an adaptogen it will help balance your cortisol levels, revving your body up when needed and slowing it down when needed.
This helps you feel a little bit more even keeled and calm throughout the day.
Wonder Matcha is also excellent for boosting immunity.
This leads us directly into a major benefit that we've touched on a few times...the anti-inflammatory properties of Wonder Matcha...
Ceylon Cinnamon is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties, making this spice used in Wonder Matcha an excellent choice for anyone looking to reduce inflammation in the body.
Matcha itself has anti-inflammatory properties itself from its extremely high antioxidant content, the specific antioxidant EGCg, and polyphenols in matcha.
This is a potent combination of ingredients to combat inflammation.
Finally, this mushroom matcha is excellent for aiding digestive health.
This is one of the reasons why people who switch to Wonder Matcha tend to feel that their issues with bloating and stomach aches reduces.
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